CROZIER MIDDLE SCHOOL School Site Council Meeting Minutes December 11, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER M. Bautista called the meeting to order at 3:20 PM. Roll Call: | Steve Donahue - Presiding Officer (Assistant Principal) | | Irma Soto-Altataetter (Counselor) | X | Beth Anne Baker - Secretary (Teacher) | X | Davina Mills (Teacher) | X | Lynda Logan (Teacher) | X | Aba Ngissah (Teacher) | X | Deborah Decker (Teacher) | X | Maria Narciso (Parent) | | Monica Hernandez (Parent) | X | Mercedes Bautista (Parent) | X | Grace Turner (Parent) | | Maria Zepeda (Parent) | X | Emelyne Guardado (Student-6th) | X | Karla Quinteros (Student-6th) | | Dejan Irvin (Student -8th) | | Chelsey Strachan (Student-7th) | X | Alternate Student: Miguel Tornes |
Also present: Joanna Clifton (teacher), Ron Wilkins PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE •II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Change the "Wednesday" in meeting heading. ACTION | Motion: D. Mills | Second: M. Narcisso |
All in favor (MEETING PAUSED TO OBTAIN QUORUM) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from November 20, 2008. ACTION | Motion: M. Narciso | Second: M. Bautista | | All in Favor |
V. REPORTS TO THE COUNCIL A. Principal's Report by S Donahue. None B. Student Report None C. Program Coordinator's Financial Report None •VI. HEARING SECTION None VII. ACTION ITEMS - Approve consultant for race relations
Ms. Clifton introduced Ron Wilkins, Race relations specialists. She feels we need his services on campus to help our students understand themselves and each other. Also , to help offer an appreciation of the cultures represented here at Crozier. Mr Wilkins is from Cal State Dominguez Hills. His approach to culture is from a historical perspective. He gave us some background on the history of browns and blacks. He reviewed some historically significant dates of the cultures represented among our students. Most of the holidays we celebrate in our country have connection to European cultures. If our students know they have this history together, they would feel more connected to one another. He would like to come for 3 assemblies. M. Bautista: Will one of those include the parents? This is important for them to hear too. Ms. Ngissah: Time of assembly with parents? Mr. Wilkins: Flexible. Availability: M,T,TH and F nights/after school. No: 11:30-3:00 on M and W MS. MILLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE RON WILKINS TO PRESENT ON RACE RELATIONS . ACTION | Motion: D. Mills | Second: M. Bautista | | All in Favor | | |
MOTION TO ADD #2 and #3 to AGENDA for voting: D. Mills 2nd: BA Baker - Amendment to Single Plan: Replace all current goals of the English section of the Single Plan with the attached goal and actions
Ms. Mills explained that the English Dept would like this goal for the Single Plan to replace what is currently in the approved Single Plan. Decker: Data? Ms. Mills and Ms Baker showed her on plan and explained the process the dept. went through examining data prior to writing this plan. ACTION | Motion: D. Decker | Second: M. Bautista | | All in Favor | | |
- Release Time for QEIA Coordinator
MOTION TO APPROVE RELEASE TIME FOR QEIA COORDINATOR - (person who made motion not recorded) Ms. Mills: has there been any decision to dissolve his class? Ms. Ngissah: It will next semester. Mileage seemed to much to several members> Replace $.50/mile with &$.32 /mile Replace last sentence in (c) with: Total travel allowance for conferences and workshops as needed shall ome from QEIA budget. Total conference and workshop expenditures exceeding $200 needs to be approved by SSC. Add "not to exceed" before $1300 for laptop. ALL IN FAVOR of RELEASE TIME FOR QEIA COORDINATOR with changes made. Motion PASSED. 1 Abstention (D. Mills).
VIII DISCUSION ITEMS - Ms. Ngissah would like to have more parents at the QEIA leadership meetings TUES 3:30-5:00 PM
Ms. Decker explained that she feels the QEIA concept is in conflict with the traditional school format. She wants a SSC action item to give QEIA leadership more power. - The SSC is asking for coordinators and committees to report to SSC at meetings.
The 0 ad 8 Period committee is meeting at 2:30 PM on Jan 7, 2009. My Lynum is facilitating. On Jan 14, 15, 16th we are giving release time to 3 teachers per dept to study data and rework the single plans for student achievement. 3. Ms. Decker noticed an unauthorized expenditure in budget. Approved for one position while this person holds a position at the same time. Ms. Decker will ask Mr. Gamet for upcoming expenditures before they go board approved. Ms. Ngissah said the concern is "double dipping". IX ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATION
ADJOURNMENT: Time 4:57 PM ACTION | Motion: D. Decker | Second: M Narcisso |