Student Resources
The resources listed below are external web sites that are not maintained by Crozier Middle School. Crozier Middle School is responsible neither
for the informational content nor for the operation of these sites, but provides references to them here as a convenience to web users. Reference
to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or
imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Crozier Middle School. The views and opinions of authors expressed at these external sites
do not necessarily state or reflect those of Crozier Middle School and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
Fun Brain on the Rocks

Math, Reading, Web Books, Comics, Flash Arcades, Movies and more. This is a great site for students,
parents, and teachers.
The Problem Site

Educational Games, Puzzles, and Problem Solving for both students and adults. Here you will find math problems,
word games, word puzzles, mystery quests, and many other free educational resources.
| is an educational website for Kids that offers fun, interactive, and educational games for kids.
For teachers, also offers Quizstation. Quizstation allows teachers
to create online quizzes for their students. also offers kids clip art, e-cards for kids,
wallpaper, kids jokes, screensavers, and more. provides hours of learning
fun for kids and resources teachers need to have a fun and productive classroom. is a Fun, Interactive, and Educational way to Learn.
Cool Math
An amusement park of math designed for fun! Bored with math?
Confused by math? Hate math? Yeah, Coolmath can fix that.
Cool Math 4 Kids
Cool math 4 kids is a math site specially designed for what kids like and how they learn!
Math really CAN be fun and really CAN be easy to learn. In an email to coolMath4Kids, one
parent wrote "No more tears at homework time!" That's what it's all about! There are lots
of lessons and games on the site(s) to make math fun... So, look around... Play together
and learn! HAVE FUN! Math opens doors to the future!
Cool Math Algebra
Bored with Algebra? Confused by Algebra? Hate Algebra? Yeah, we can fix that.
Coolmath Algebra has hundreds of really easy to follow lessons and examples that
will make you a successful algebra student.
A Game A Day
Two levels of fun and challenge for ages 9-99.
Challenge your general knowledge, vocabulary, spelling, memory, concentration,
critical thinking and problem solving.
Enjoy a new word game, word search, brainteaser, trivia game, anagram, cryptogram,
crossword and more each weekday!
A Plus Math Games
Compete in Matho, Concentration, Hidden Picture, Planet Blaster. Can you make it into the
daily winner's list? Flashcards, worksheets, games, and homework helper.
Science Monster
Learn about the solar system. Take a tour of Mars or fly a spaceship on a tour of the stars. Be sure
to check out the movie of the day, world watch, and the virtual globe. Play
the gravity and inertia game. You think moths are annoying when you're outside
at night? Check out the giant robot moths!
Spikes Game Zone
These games are just plain cool to play! Be sure to check
out the brainy games and jigsaw puzzles.
NASA Kids Site
The NASA Kids website has neat puzzles and interesting facts about outer space and the solar system.
So what are you waiting for? Hop on a rocket and fly on over!!
NASA are safe, fun, and educational for students. You can expect to find reliable information on
space-related topics, as well as games, Web quests, and even chats with NASA experts.
Brain Channel
Memory Games, puzzles, strategy, and action challenges. Can you solve the online Rubik Cube? Or beat the
computer at checkers?