Academic Bulldog
Crozier Middle School
Music & Fine Arts


 School Site Council

Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2008  

I.          CALL TO ORDER

             A. Ngissah called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM in the Staff Lounge.

            Roll Call


Steve Donahue - Presiding Officer (Assistant Principal)


Irma Soto-Altataetter (Counselor)


Beth Anne Baker - Secretary (Teacher)


Davina Mills (Teacher)


Lynda Logan  (Teacher)


Aba Ngissah (Teacher)


Deborah Decker (Teacher)


Maria Narciso (Parent)


Monica Hernandez (Parent)


Mercedes Bautista (Parent)


Grace Turner (Parent)


Maria Zepeda (Parent)


Emelyne Guardado (Student-6th)


Karla Quinteros (Student-6th)


Dejan Irvin (Student -8th)


Chelsey Strachan (Student-7th)


Alternate Student: Miguel Tornes

Also present: E. Lyum (QEIA Coord./Teacher), Drew Gamet (Consolidated Coord.)




•II.                APPROVAL OF AGENDA


Motion:  M. Narciso

Second: S. Donahue

All in favor with changes. (Miguel Torres to TONRNES pg 1 and 2008 to 2009 twice on top of page 2)



February 12, 2009 minutes to be approved by


Motion:  M. Narciso

Second: S. Donahue

•III.               REPORTS TO COUNCIL

•A.     PRINCIPAL'S Report with Mr. Donahue:

 Extreme Learning was tabled at Board of Educ. Meeting. One board member balked at the amount of money and length of time. We need to either resubmit as is (but may not get approved) or rework it. Should we take the 6th grade class without a permanent teacher (50 students) and give them a period of Extreme Learning. This would cut the cost in half and we could spend the other part of the balance on computers and other supplies/technology.  We may need an emergency meeting. Monday is the last day for spending.  WE could also use some of the money for extra duty for Saturday Tutoring.

M. Narciso asked if the board could completely deny us the money and keep it.

S. Donahue: It has a lot to do with this arbitrary budget deadline imposed only by the board.

BABaker: I think we should give the sixth grade class of 50 students the opportunity for extreme learning and combine with computers for a new lab.

•B.     STUDENT Report by Miguel Tornes:  Students who come in uniform consistently should receive a reward.

Ms. Decker talked about the reward system they have at Animo. If the student body dresses 100% M-TH, Friday is free dress. ID scan cards are also used to track this (who is or isn't dressed).

M. Narciso remembers that ID cards were used at Morningside and needed to be carried.

Ms. Ngissah: What kind of award? How much would it cost? Told Miguel to report.

Miguel: Free dress on St. Patrick's Day?

Ms. Ngissah: Student government has plans to make that a spirit.

•C.     ELAC: NOne


VI HEARING SECTION: Mr. Lynum worked on a potential enrollment number for next year. 1000. He submitted it to LACOE.

Donahue:  We loose about 150 students.


  1. Extreme Learning Report

See attached letter.  We must monitor all programs on our campus: PRE, DURING and POST.

Mr. Donahue: We should develop a way of monitoring through meeting reports to SSC.

Ms. Decker: All committees and councils need to report and are not.

TABLING #1 until next meeting

  1. IB SCHOOLS Report Made a discussion item due to loss of QUORUM.

Ms. Ngissah will make a presentation next time on this.  It is a rigorous baccalaureate program for teachers.  International Baccalaureate Program is a well respected program. If we wanted a representative to come and talk, we would need to purchase her plane ticket to here.

Donahue: Would they hold it against us if we did not have a high school to continue the program

Ngissah: No.

Donahue: We could make a small learning community IB then we could go more school wide.

Ngissah: Does all teachers have to be IB to be an IB school? NO. But t is a prestigious training and implementation.  She emailed Dr. Young about it.  She will email consultant with any questions.  The program really enforces the child's home language. SEE ATTACHED IB information. The cost is on page 12.....fees, application, etc.   LAUSD is already doing it.  WE could begin next MAY 2010. The consultant could come and educate staff about program.

  1. Tabled


VII Discussion

  1. Concern about our SSC vacancy for "OTHER". No one has come to volunteer..
  2. Concern about meeting notification

Donahue: We need to ask parents why they aren't coming and help solve their issues.

Ms. Ngissah: Can we have snacks?

Donahue: Can budget for it....Use parent involvement part of budger.

Baker:: Box of games for kids of parents on SSC?

Donahue: Movies?


Time 4:50  PM


Motion:   BA Baker

Second: Donahue


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