CROZIER MIDDLE SCHOOL School Site Council Meeting Minutes October 23, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER MS. Ngissah called the meeting to order at 3:02 PM. Roll Call: | Steve Donahue - Presiding Officer (Assistant Principal) | | Irma Soto-Altataetter (Counselor) | X | Beth Anne Baker - Secretary (Teacher) | X | Davina Mills (Teacher) | X | Lynda Logan (Teacher) | X | Aba Ngissah (Teacher) | X | Deborah Decker (Teacher) | X | Maria Narciso (Parent) | X | Monica Hernandez (Parent) | X | Mercedes Bautista (Parent) | | Grace Turner (Parent) | X | Maria Zepeda (Parent) | X | Emelyne Guardado (Student-6th) | X | Karla Quinteros (Student-6th) | | Dejan Irvin (Student -8th) | X | Chelsey Strachan (Student-7th) | X | Alternate Student: Miguel Torres |
All in favor III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from October 9, 2008. ACTION | Motion: D. Mills | Second: S Donahue | | All in Favor |
Minutes should be out 48 hours before meeting. V. REPORTS TO THE COUNCIL A. Principal's Report by S Donahue. None- not present B. Student Report Karla Quinteros said students want to wear costumes for Halloween, more free dress and more pizza for lunch. She also said that the weight of students books is a concern. Miguel Torres said that students want more hamburgers for lunch. Emelyne suggested that the cafeteria make better lunches M. Bautista: Lunch lines are very long! Her son does not eat some days because of this. D. Decker Are we able to have alternate options as outside venders. D. Mills: Quiznos is an option Karla Quinteros: Can we sell water bottles Miguel Torres: Sell sodas? All: No! Mr. Gamet said that we could actually sell soda that is approved by food services. Ms. Baker: Do we want to encourage better nutrition than selling soda with sugar? Ms. Ngissah: We need a push from staff and parents to help our cafeteria situation. M. Zepeda: Isn't the cafeteria too small for our school enrollment? Can PTA sell at lunch hour? Ms. Ngissah: Just can't compete with food services. Ms. Baker: Why do they close too early? I had a student who missed lunch going to lunch late. Discussion about lunch/nutrition and learning. Some students are not eating all day and this is affecting their behavior and learning. The research on this should show how this affects student achievement. Ms. Decker: QEIA issue? Ms. Mills: There are two issues: 1. Lines are long - Parents could go to the board on this. 2. Students don't enjoy food. We don't need to spend money on this though because a vendor would not cost money. M. Bautista- We need a solution now. The lines need to be solved ASAP. Other Student issues: Emelyne: The rules say no gang colors and students are still wearing them M. Hernandez: We need a CONNECT ED to inform parents of this. School Dance: M. Zepeda agrees with last student report on this issue Ms. Ngissah: ASB officers asked teachers at the last faculty meeting for more support. ED CONNECT to parents for more chaperones, too. We could ask for more support from ELAC M. Zepeda: Has a NO DIRTY DANCING sign been made? Only asking those dirty dancing to leave, not all students? Ms. Ngissah: Yes and ASB is getting music together from student input. Ms. Zepeda wanted to make sure all music was appropriate. M. Bautista is a dance teacher and will come and teach ASB some dances that will encourage dance steps that are more appropriate for students. C. Program Coordinator's Financial Report D. Gamet gave us an updated PO LEDGER- see attached D. Gamet: If you would like to see anything else, let him know. D. Decker wants to see the invoice items. M. Zepeda: Results from conferences? D. Mills explained the PLC conference -that cost us a lot of money- is a process to implement and could take a few years. D. Gamet and BA Baker suggested M. Zepeda speak with Jeff Miller. Discussion about inviting Jeff Miller to SSC meeting. Do we approve Prog. Coord Reports? No •VI. HEARING SECTION M. Hernandez: She attended a meeting with the Family Involvement Network at LACOE. She had brought a notebook she received. It is a parent info filled. She feels that this should be purchased for parents at Crozier. F. I.N. does all types of testing info. workshops for parents. D.Mills: Maybe after-school workshops LACOE is still working on implementing the notebook as a workshop. Ask the person in charge to come to speak at a SSC about the workshops. Decker: What about using it during summer orientation? M. Hernandez: Must get training with the notebook..... VII. ACTION ITEMS - Approval of the Bylaws
We began editing bylaws this meeting. We edited pages 1-2. See attached BYLAWS (Sept 29th) as DRAFT and replacement November 4, 2008 to be voted on November 6th. - Date to Work on Single Plan with Marci (from CTA) November 4th and 5th depending on Marci schedule and subs. We need release time. We have a lot to do.
- Requested Item Log Ms. Mills came up with a form for Ms. Decker to keep track of responsibilities we discuss in meetings. She will make copies for eech person listed as having a responsibility and 2 for Ms. Baker for the minutes. Ms. Decker requested a few changes on form. Ms. Mills also made an Agenda form to add to agenda for the following meeting while we are holding current meeting.
- Parliamentarian:
Ms. Ngissah: We have approved books and they will be ordered. M. Narciso nominated D. Mills as parliamentarian. Ms. Mills accepted. D. Decker motioned to make Ms. Mills parliamentarian of SSC. M. Narciso- 2nd ALL IN FAVOR CONTINUATION: October 29, 2008 Library to finish evaluating and editing BYLAWS. |