Academic Bulldog
Crozier Middle School
Music & Fine Arts


 School Site Council

Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2009  

I.          CALL TO ORDER

             A. Ngissah called the meeting to order at 3:10 PM in the Staff Lounge.

            Roll Call


Steve Donahue - Presiding Officer (Assistant Principal)


Irma Soto-Altataetter (Counselor)


Beth Anne Baker - Secretary (Teacher)


Davina Mills (Teacher)


Lynda Logan  (Teacher)


Aba Ngissah (Teacher)


Deborah Decker (Teacher)


Maria Narciso (Parent)


Monica Hernandez (Parent)


Mercedes Bautista (Parent)


Grace Turner (Parent)


Maria Zepeda (Parent)


Emelyne Guardado (Student-6th)


Karla Quinteros (Student-6th)


Dejan Irvin (Student -8th)


Chelsey Strachan (Student-7th)


Alternate Student: Miguel Tornes

Also present: E. Lyum (QEIA Coord./Teacher), Drew Gamet (Consolidated Coord.), JoAnna Clifton (teacher), Ms. Ruiz (teacher), Ms. Bunch (teacher)




•II.                APPROVAL OF AGENDA


Motion:  M. Narciso

Second: L. Logan

All in favor.


March 12, 2009 minutes to be approved WITH AMMENDMENTS on page 1 &3 by


Motion:  L. Logan

Second: M. Bautista

•III.               REPORTS TO COUNCIL

•A.     PRINCIPAL'S Report with Mr. Donahue:



Ms. Ngissah spoke about ASB's SPIRIT Week.

MONDAY- Pajamas, TUES- Green Day, WED- Pep Rally and Free Dress, THURS- Twin Day, FRI- Dance (Free Dress with bracelet bought for dance admission)

M. Narciso suggested that students in uniform consistently be rewarded by going to lunch early.

Ms. Baker agreed.

Mr. Gamet: May be a instructional time issue

Ms. Ruiz suggested we wear blue and yellow to pep rally

•B.     ELAC: No meeting since last SSC Meeting

•C.     PROGRAM COORD: No more spending beyond March 1, 2009 except on field trips and travel expenses.  District office says no more field trip requests after May 1st and no field trips scheduled after the first week in June.  Teachers must justify all trips with CA learning standards. At the beginning of the school year, the district said "no amusement parks" for field trips.

Ngissah: There is apparently a debate in the district to question all activities: Is is educational?

Mr. Gamet: There has been discussion about 2 positions:

Certified Librarian and Onsite Technology Staff person

We need to plan this happening at SSC extremely soon due to the fact that these positions will be .5 at Crozier and be shared with another school.  This is, also, a school site plan issue and a multi school issue of site plan.

Ms. Baker has some information gathered for QEIA regarding the library specialist.

Ms. Turner is concerned about lack of nurse on campus.

Ms Soto explained that we do have two nurses that we share with the highschools.

Ms. Turner is concerned about not seeing a nurse in the office or  on campus.

Ms. Soto: Crozier shares 2 nurses with Inglewood High.

Ms. Turner would like to see a computer lab for the students.

Mr. Gamet: The computers are on order. He can go through the purchase order list with anyone who would like.



  1. International Baccalaratte SCHOOLS - See Action Plan

Ms. Ngissah: We need to approve to pay travel for IB consultant to talk to board. Is there a motion on the floor to approve Ms. Anne Evan's plane fare to come speak to the board of education.

Motion: Ms. Turner

2nd: Ms. Logan


Ms. Baker: Can she also speak to the staff if she is coming?

Ms. Ngissah: I will ask her.

All in favor? Motion is passed

  1. Saturday School Proposal

Ms. Clifton came to speak on behalf of Ms. Tellez about the Saturday School plan.  See attached information Ms. Clifton presented on teachers, dates, times, etc.

Curriculum: Measuring Up. California Standards tests and lessons book, Interventions for current core programs used, River Deep (Math)

Covering power standards (One per week)

Mrs. Narciso: How many students?

Ms. Clifton: We are gathering students data based on test scores. We are targeting Below Basic students.

Ms. Ngissah: We need a PRE/During/POST assessment done to test the effectiveness of the program. We also need a list of the students in attendance.  We need a written list of what is being taught, also by 3/26/09 meeting.

Discussion about the assessments and pre/post tests.

Ms.Turner:  Will it be difficult to get children to come on a Saturday?

Ms. Clifton: No, we always have enough for any Saturday program. They seem to enjoy coming.

MOTION: Ms. Decker

2nd: Narciso



3.Crozier Summer Institute Proposal- Ms. Ngissah, Ms. Ruiz, Ms. Bunch, Ms. Trotter

See attached packet. The teachers are asking for this proposal to be passed. 

FAST FORWARD: Ms. Ruiz came to Crozier as a Gear Up UCLA student. She worked with Ms. Ngissah.  The two noticed that students were lacking basic skills in core areas.

Fast Forward was developed to give students an opportunity to address basic skills. GEAR UP is no longer at IUSD (did not get board renewed).  So, FASR FORAWRD is modeled after that. It is for incoming sixth graders. The students will come from feeder schools.

See meeting dates attached in package.

3 teams: Fast Forward, Let's Stay on Track and Jet Set

JET SET: Ms. Bunch is the GATE coordinator at Crozier. She feels the GATE students at Crozier would benefit from Jet Set.  See attached section in packet.  Critical thinking will be the focus with pre, during and post assessments

LET'S STAY ON TRACK: Ms. Ngissah said this program for students on grade level.  Pre, during and Post assessments will be given.  This program prepares the students for the next school year.

LINK: See this section of packet.  Ms. Ruiz explained that this program will train and produce mentors (7th and 8th graders) to help with 6th grade orientation and to support 6th graders throughout the school year.

MOTION to approve the Summer Crozier Institute

Ms. Baker: Approve what?

Ms. Nigissah: to continue the development of these programs.

MOTION: MS. Decker

2nd: Ms. Narsico

VII Discussion

  1. Calendar of Program/Committee/Team Reports- TABLED until next meeting
  2. Marcy Perry attending next SSC Meeting


Time 4:35  PM


Motion:   Ms. Bautista

Second: Ngissah


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